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Metta Buddharam Temple

Metta Buddharam Temple

The Metta Buddharam Temple is a Thai temple situated at Bodhgaya. The temple is appealing with an outer shell of stainless steel and a decorative mosaic using mirrors.  The temple sees the Thai Temple style of architecture. The main temple floor is made of wood. Underneath the temple is the marble-floored meditation room offering a perfect environment to the devotees for meditation. The temple is decorated with numerous sculptures, which are handmade, from a mixture of white cement, clay, and epoxy.

People get mesmerized by the beauty of its distinct architecture and Lord Buddha statue. The lighting of the temple in the evening makes it stand out among many other temples.

Recognised Hotels

Name of HotelsAddressMobile NoEmail_Id
Hotel Bodh Gaya Gautam,Do Muhan RoadPh-0631-2200109, Fax-0631-2201981 9431023671hotelbodhgahyagautam@g mail.com Visit uswww.hotelbodhgayagauta m.com
Hotel SujataNear Thai Temple BodhgayaPh-0631-2200481,761 Fax-0631-2200515info@sujatahotel.com
Hotel Urubela InternationalSpanish Temple, BodhgayaPh-06312200236 -
Rahul Buddha Guest HouseMandirmarg, BodhgayaPh-0612200536, Mob-9431289421EmailKumarmunna14@yahoo.c
Hotel Buddha InternationalJapanese Temple, BodhgayaPh-06312200506Hotel.b.int@gmail.com
Hotel Delta InternationalDomuhan, BodhgayaPh-0631-2200854, 6940644, Mob-9973011675bodhgayadelta@yahoo.in
Shanti Buddha Guest HouseBodhgayaPh-0631-2200534 -
Hotel Taj DarbarBodhgayaMob-7739320524, 7739320525tajdarbar@rediffmail.com httajdarbar@gmail.com www.hoteltajdarbar.com
Ajatsatru HotelStation Road GayaPh-06312222961/2/3 Fax-2226418ajatsatru.hotel@gmail.com
Hotel Royal SuryaDakBanglow Road, GayaPh-06312423730 Mob-9334477222, 9431271069hotelroyalsurya@rediffmai l.com
Hotel Heritage InKashinath More, GayaPh-06312431009 Mob-9431415823 9430056352heritageingaya@yahoo.co m
Hotel GharanaSouth Church Road GayaPh-06312225512 Mob-9430072305, 9334168218hotelgharanagaya@gmail. Com
Hotel Siddhart International Station Road, GayaPh06312220958/2223352 Fax-06312226419hotelsiddhartha1@rediffm ailcom
Hotel Surya,Dakbunglow Road GayaPh-06312224004 Mob-9430072305, 9334168218hotelsurya@gmail.com
Mahabodhi Hotel ResortConvention Centre Near Hariharpur, Bodh Gaya, GayaPh-7546988903/00/01, 0631-2900801/802Emailmahabodhihotelbodhgaya @gmail.com
Suman Guest House, Bajirganj, Gaya9931893175 -
Hotel Mehta Star hotels Pvt. Ltd.Manpur Gaya0631-2250031infosukhdeopalace.com
Dhamma Grand Hotel & Resort Domuhan, Bodhgaya0631-2200121/2200117info@hoteldhamma.com
Jataka In BodhgayaGaya Dobhi Main Road, Bodhgaya, Bihar06312-200302jatakain@gmail.com
Mahabodhi Hotel Resort Convention CentreBodhgaya8052130600/9454430860sales@mahabodhihotel.com
Bodhi Hotel & Resort Pvt. Ltd. Gaya Dobhi Road,0631-220019/2200135bodhgaya@oakshotel.com

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