Bimbisara jail is named after the great king of Ancient History Bimbisara. He established the Haryanka dynasty and laid the foundations of Magadha with the fortification of a village, which later became the city of Pataliputra.
Bimbisara Jail offers a beautiful view of Gridhakutta Hill as well as the Japenese Pagoda. He was a staunch disciple of Lord Gautam Budhha who was imprisoned by his son Ajatshatru. It is said his son asked him to choose an option for his imprisonment and he choose a spot from where he could see Lord Buddha.
It is said that King Bimbisara met the Buddha for the first time prior to the Buddha's enlightenment, and later became an important disciple that featured prominently in certain Buddhist suttas. He is recorded to have attained Sotapannahood, a degree of enlightenment in Buddhist teachings.
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