A fairly large 22' high ancient stone structure (Base- 85')(81 'and Top - 81 'x72') is locally known as Jarasandha ki Baithak. The legendary infamous King's meeting quarter. The spot is situated just above the Brahma Kund on the way to Saptaparni caves. However, some scholars believe it is a part of the cyclopean fortification wall that was built for some military purpose.
The Buddhist texts mentions this place as Pippala cave as the abode of Mahakashyapa, the Buddha's chief disciple. As per some academicians this place resembles Xuanzang's description where Devadatta (Gautama Buddha's cousin) breathed his last.
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Name of Hotels | Address | Mobile No | Email_Id |
Hotel Siddharth Rajgir | Ph-06112255216 | siddharthrajgir@gmail.co m | |
Mamta Hotel | Dharamshala Road Rajgir | Ph-06112255044 Mob-9334176328 | - |
Hotel The Rajgir Residency | Rajgir | Ph-06112255404/5 Mob- 9386454110, 9431046246 | therajgirresidency@gmail. Com |
Indo Hokke Hotels Pvt. Ltd. | Rajgir | Ph-06112255245/036 Fax-06112255231 Mob-9431024292 | Email-centaur@bsnl.in |
Hotel Nalanda Regency, | Rajgir | Mob 776669099, 7761869099, 7070094800 | nalandatravel@yahoo.com |
Hotel Vijay Kund | Rajgir. | Ph-06112+255555 | Email: infohotelvijayniketan.com |
Rajgir Guest House | College road, Rajgir | 9334981100 | shivnandan_patel@gmail.com |
Mahavihar International Restaurant | fatehpur, Nalanda | 7903374014/9931909546 | - |
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