Mandan Dham is located in Mahishi village of Saharsa district. It is also known as the birthplace of Pandit Mandan Mishra, the great scholar, and philosopher of the 8th century. An interesting story is associated with this place. It is said that Pandit Mandan Mishra along with his wife Bharati made valuable contributions to Indian philosophy, who was a senior contemporary of Adi Shankaracharya. Adi Shankaracharya visited Mahishi for a philosophical debate with Mandan for the promotion of Sanatan Dharma.
There are also many valuable books in Mandan Dham like Brahmasiddhi, Mimasanukramanika, and Vidhi Vivek which are composed by Mandan himself. People from different states come to this Dham, especially people from South India. Mandan Dham has been the work land of scholars and it would be a matter of pride in itself to go here.
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